
As the name of this blog implies, I’ve been writing random stuff for the internet since the last millennium. My first ‘web log’ was basically an html form with really basic CGI behind it which simply pasted whatever I typed in onto the top of an HTML file. This worked fine back in the innocent, early days of the web, but you can imagine what happened when the spammers found it :) Clearly, it’s evolved since then.

The problem with blogging today, I’ve found, is that the things that I could write about safely dwindled. I used to love writing about politics, religion, and other controversial (everything is controversial for someone or other) topics, but when employers, potential customers, etc, figured out how to google my name, I felt inhibited, to say the least.

I’m not trying to become Internet Famous. In fact, if I get zero views, that is great! I just need somewhere to express myself. The advantage of not caring about views is that I don’t have to make things interesting. My videos are (usually) low production value, rambling, flow-of-conciousness things. If I have to spend more time editing than it takes the video to render, I’m doing something wrong. 

While on the topic – googling ‘Carlos Morales’ can be a bit risqué. For what it’s worth, I’m the boring, nerdish, computer-engineer-from-Puerto-Rico Carlos Morales, not the foot-fetish Carlos Morales, though I’m sure my tocayo makes a lot more money than me. There is also the famous-soccer-player Carlos Morales, the politician Carlos Morales, and apparently a famous-heart-surgeon Carlos Morales. That puts my page rank down, which is also great.

So, here I go again, giving this self-expression thing another try. What drove me to start blogging again is the desire to write longer, more thought out-pieces, things which would drive my friends on Facebook to de-friend me in droves. I’m sure I’ll find innocuous things to blather on about. I’d also love to get a few collaborators – fellow writers who want to have a quiet, out-of-the-mainstream place to have deep discussions.

Whadaya say?



  1. Carlos Morales

    So here I am, sitting at my desk finally deciding that I want to make a web server and website. Behold that I am in the final stages of setting up a domain name. I decided to use my name (like any professional would) but I wanted to see if carlosmorales.com was taken. Here I am. Ironically though, we have both gone through the horror that is searching our name. What is even stranger is that we both are engineers (about to be recent grad and electrical engineer at that). Just thought I’d humor you with this predicament I’m in.

  2. Carlos Morales

    HI Carlos,

    Are you planning on keeping this domain? If not I can make you an offer :) Thanks!

    Carlos Morales

  3. Carlos Morales

    Hello, would you sell your domain? I am really interested in it…

  4. Carlos Morales

    Buen día.

  5. Carlos Morales

    Hey! I’m the same Carlos that commented on your About page in April of the year 2017. It’s been 5 years and same as you going through the waves. Figured I’d drop you a comment to see how things are going. Hope all is well San Diego Carlos.

    – NJ Carlos (Hopefully NV Carlos soon)

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