Please welcome Julian Morales, our resident history fanatic. He will argue the subtle differences in the meaning of ‘liberal’ across continents and time periods. Don’t get him started. Or do. Whatever.
Category: Design
I’m a very visual person – I need to see to understand. Creating new things, for me, always starts with a diagram of some sort. It might be a data flow diagram for a program, or some scribbles on a napkin for a dog run, or as in the case of this page, a mind map.
When I set out to re-launch, I first needed to figure out what it was I wanted. I used a mind map (created using ThoughtsHD, an iPad tool that make mind maps fun):
I then went and did some research, settled on WordPress (because I’m lazy), and started working on what the content and structure should be, again using a mind map:
And that is where I am now. My next step is to make my page map that last thing – I suspect I’ll do a bit of that (trivial) work up front, then the rest organically.
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